Today, we are called to “Worship and Adore!” as we reflect on the magi’s humble act of worshiping baby Jesus with precious gifts. Let us take a moment to consider the significance of their adoration in light of our own worship towards our Savior.
Today, we are called to “Worship and Adore!” as we reflect on the magi’s humble act of worshiping baby Jesus with precious gifts. Let us take a moment to consider the significance of their adoration in light of our own worship towards our Savior.
Let us follow the example of the magi by bowing down in worship before our Lord Jesus Christ. Just as they presented their treasures to Him, let us also offer Him the most valuable gift we possess – our hearts. In our daily lives, may we worship Him not just with our lips but with our actions, honoring Him in all that we do. As we open our hearts to Him, let us remember that true worship goes beyond mere rituals; it is a lifestyle of reverence and devotion to our King.
Heavenly Father, today I come before you with a heart full of gratitude and adoration. Help me to worship you in spirit and in truth, offering you the treasure of my life as a sweet fragrance. Teach me to adore you not just in words but in deeds, reflecting your love and grace to those around me. May my life be a living sacrifice of worship to you, O Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen!
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One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all – Eph. 4:6
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