Daily Bible Verse 1 John 3 vs 1 – Saturday 27th July 2024 Encouragement For Christians

Today, bask in the overwhelming love of our Heavenly Father as we reflect on the words of 1 John 3 vs 1. The verse reminds us of the incredible love that God pours out upon us, adopting us as His beloved children. Let this truth sink deep into your heart today – You are loved beyond measure!

Embrace this truth today – You are loved! Allow this reality to shape your thoughts, actions, and interactions. As a child of God, you are cherished, valued, and deeply cared for. Let this love empower you to love others in return, spreading God’s love wherever you go. Live today with the confidence that you are chosen and adored by the Creator of the universe.

Heavenly Father, thank you for lavishing your great love upon me and calling me your child. Help me to fully grasp the depth of your love and to live each moment secure in the knowledge that I am cherished by you. May your love flow through me, touching the lives of those around me. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen!

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One God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all – Eph. 4:6


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